Student Centre
The Student Centre offers expert advice and guidance for students on progression, careers, finance and wellbeing.
We offer free advice and guidance face to face, by phone or video call. You can discuss your options and we'll help you make the right choice for your next step.
Free advice and guidance for students
- Progression
- Careers advice for students and employability
- UCAS and Higher Education advice
- Confidential counselling service
- Finance
- Travel
- Student voice opportunities
- Student social committee
- Sexual health and relationship advice and c-card
- Safeguarding concerns
- Signposting for specialist advice from external agencies
Get in touch on 01603 731200 or email eastoninfo@ccn.ac.uk
Careers Zone
The Student Centre has a dedicated Careers Zone. Current students can access a wide range of impartial information, advice and guidance including;
- Searching and applying for jobs
- Preparing a CV
- Interview skills
- Job Market Information
- UCAS and Student Finance
- Gap Year and Volunteering Opportunities
- Local Education, Training and Voluntary Services
- Financial Support
For more information on this service, call 01603 731 200 or eastoninfo@ccn.ac.uk
Careers Strategy
In December 2017, the Department for Education released the Careers Strategy and then subsequent guidance ‘Careers guidance and access for education and training providers' (updated January 2023). The documents outline a framework of expectations called the Gatsby Benchmarks with the intention of raising the standard of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance across schools and colleges. For more information, read the Gatsby Benchmarks guide.
The Careers Leader for City College Norwich is Helen Richardson-Hulme. If you wish to discuss the college's Careers Strategy or Careers Programme, please email Helen.Richardson-Hulme@ccn.ac.uk or call 01603 773070.
Matrix accredited service
Our team of friendly Student Advisers all hold, or are working towards relevant and recognised qualifications in careers guidance. The Student Centre is also Matrix accredited. The Matrix Standard is a unique quality standard for organisations to assess and measure their advice and support services. It recognises the support individuals get in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals.
Do you need help finding the right course for you?
Match your skills and interests to course and career ideas!
Our college provides a safe, positive and supportive environment for all students. We ensure that all students feel valued and can learn and progress in a secure environment.
Our wellbeing team is here to help you fulfil your potential and maximise your physical and mental wellbeing. The team offers support with any health or wellbeing problem.
Contact the wellbeing team directly at wellbeing@ccn.ac.uk
Education Support Work
The Education Support Work (ESW) team work with Looked After Children, Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children, Care Leavers and Young Carers.
The ESW team work with students to ensure that they get the support they need during their educational journey at the college. The ESW team can help students to focus on their attendance, attainment and progression.
You can contact the team at esw@ccn.ac.uk.
Student Centre opening times
Advice and support from the Student Centre is available:
- Monday to Thursday from 8.30pm to 5pm
- Fridays from 8.30am to 4.30pm
Contact the Student Centre
Get in touch on 01603 731200 or email eastoninfo@ccn.ac.uk
Useful careers websites and links
Please see below for some other useful careers resources:
- National Careers Service
- Amazing Apprenticeships
- Apprenticeship Finder
- icanbea- jobs and organisations in Norfolk and Suffolk
- icould
- Barclays life skills- preparation for the world of work
- Which? University- independent service offering information and advice to students and parents
- CV Library- allows you to search for jobs in your area and has live vacancies across all industries