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Clearing 2024 - Spaces Available

Find a degree that works for you

Flexible study options, lower fees and smaller class sizes. Apply to study a degree this September and discover a great alternative to traditional university.

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Why Easton College?

Fit your studies around your lifestyle

Our courses have been developed with employers and progression in mind, meaning that you will be provided with the skills and qualifications needed to take you further and develop your career. In fact, for the past 5 years we have performed at or above the Higher Education sector average, with our graduates agreeing or strongly agreeing to the statement 'I am utilising what I learnt during my studies in my current activity' (Source: Graduation Outcomes Survey). You can view this data in depth here

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Great Facilities

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Lower tuition fees

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Our fees are below many universities, with most courses being £8,000 per year (with the exception of our Animal Science, Wildlife and Conservation, and Zoology which are charged at £9,000 per year).

We provide dedicated support to our students both academically and pastorally, to help you to reach your full potential.

Unlike many universities and colleges we have a specific first year module (either Higher Learning Skills or Professional and Academic Skills depending on your course). This covers the academic skills that you will need to get the most out of your studies with us.

We also have a dedicated library support team that will be on hand to help build your academic skills. If you need some extra help, our library team run a series of workshops on topics, such as

  • How to reference in your assignments
  • Understanding the Learning Objectives
  • Searching for Resources (how to use academic journals, etc.)
  • How to proofread your work

We’ll provide details of how to sign up to these in your first term.

You will also be allocated an academic tutor who will meet with you three times during the academic year to make sure you are settling in well into college, to check on your progress through the year, and to help with any concerns or worries that you may have.

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Pastoral Support

Wellbeing Pastoral Support

We understand that studying a university-level programme can be challenging, and at times stressful.  In the Higher Education team at the college, we have two dedicated Student Support Officers to provide further support to students with things like: -

  • How to stay on top of your workload
  • Accessing our policies to deal with long-term or short-term difficulties that are affecting your studies.
  • Helping you to identify and build upon your employability skills as you progress through your course and assisting you with your next career steps be that onto further study, or to advance your career. 

Soon after you start your course, we will ask you to complete a Student Support Survey. This helps us to provide any support you might need as early as possible into your programme. Please look out for this and do take the time to complete it (we’ve kept it as short as possible). It really helps us, to help you!

TEF Silver Award

We have been awarded a TEF Silver Award, with an independent panel confirming that our student experience and student outcomes are typically "Very High Quality". Find out more here. 

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Help with IT

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As well as fully equipped computer facilities, we also offer free access to Microsoft Office365 for students during their courses with us. This means that you can download key software such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint to your personal laptop or device, so there is no need to buy this software.

Library Resources

We have well-stocked libraries with both physical and electronic copies of the key texts that you will need for your course.

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Financial Support

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The college offers an HE Hardship Fund for students experiencing financial hardship. You can find out about this and a broad range of other financial support and advice here.

Student accommodation

We have student accommodation at our Easton campus specifically for higher education students. Find out more here

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How to apply


You can apply for most of our courses (Foundation degrees, Bachelor degrees, BA / BSc programmes and HND Digital Technologies) via UCAS under Clearing 2024.

For all other Higher National Certificates and Diplomas, please apply via the relevant course page on

Need additional support or careers advice? Contact our IAG team via email at